18 February 2007

11:19AM local time

We've had a challenging, but great, first week in Thailand. As much as I believe we got some great footage earlier in the week, for me there was a real beginning yesterday. It was incredibly powerful to hear the voice of a village leader and his 16 year old daughter from within the forest they live in. It may not always be this good but this interview was a very powerful affirmation that we have the makings of a story that as many people as possible around the world need to hear.

So please, let as many people know about what we are doing and share our blog with them.... and with your support we may just get the help we need to turn our vision to create a documentary into a reality. "Voices from the earth: Where hope lies".... a working title. If any of you can think of a better one, please let us know.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Gavin...Brisbane Michael here...good to hear you're having fun with the camera. If there's anything you're worried about regarding shooting, scripting, please drop me an email (m.meadows@griffith.edu.au) but I'll check the blog when I can. Sounds as if the adventure has well and truly begun...have fun along the way.